Tuesday, October 2, 2007


My church is having revival this week. The speaker is Rev. David Miller, a country preacher from Arkansas. In high school, he went from being a quaterback to being confined to a wheelchair due to a rare muscular atrophy disease. He only has use of one arm, but this didn’t keep him from quoting the Bible – he obviously has memorized the texts. Impressive!

He spoke about acknowledging God’s sovereign providence for all blessings. He told of how God’s providence worked in his life when his son was in a serious car accident. Joshua, his son, barely survived the accident, and is now confined to a wheelchair because of paralysis from the upper chest down. Here’s a Christian family, with two members confined to a wheelchair, that faithfully serve our Lord. His story was amazing.

Today, I’ve been reflecting upon God’s providence over my own life… Just what does providence mean? The all-seeing providence of God means that He has not abandoned the world that He created, but rather works within that creation to manage all things according to the immutable counsel of His own will.

By the way, both Mr. Miller and Joshua are avid deer hunters. He “bragged” proudly about Joshua’s recent 11 point kill. Also, he shared another impressive “Joshua” hunting story - he was bow hunting, and one arrow went completely thru an 8 point, then into a 10 point, killing them both. Talk about God’s providence!

I'm looking forward to tonight's sermon.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28 (NIV)

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