Saturday, November 17, 2007

here birdie, birdie

Yeah! I’m now ready for some cold weather. Mark installed a brand new, best ever, super-duper, strong-as-steel, new-fangled bird feeder pole. He had to drag out some man tools to attach the pole to the deck railing. I’m glad I was able to provide Mark with an enjoyable Saturday afternoon activity. He hung our two feeders – each on individual hooks, so we’re good to go. This pole will withstand howling winds, blustering gusts, and tempestuous snow storms to come. I’ll be entertained by the various species of backyard birds as they eat, socialize, and sing.

In the past, the feeders have been visited by sparrows, cardinals, tufted titmouses, chickadees, towhees, house finches, purple finches, and… I can’t think of the others. The purple finches are really adorned with red, so I’m assuming the “namer” was a color blind ornithologist. Whenever we are blessed with an accumulation of snow, red-head woodpeckers will visit. With this year’s impending snow, I’ll see more of them than usual. The mourning doves rarely eat from the feeders; they prefer to dine on seeds spilled onto the deck by their messy cousins.

Just thought I’d share my joy to come. See, as enjoyable are the birds, watching Callie watch the birds is ever better! I’ll be so full of joy I’ll barely be able to stand it!

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