Saturday, January 2, 2016

the past, the present, the future

Yesterday and today, I've thought back on the days and weeks and months of 2015. Contemplated life. 

All the dear moments I hold close. The times I was so excited looking forward to special times. When my heart burst open with more love than I knew was inside. At something I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe. 

Feeling the ever-presence of God, within me. When I remember with a smile or happy tears. Things I want to always remember. Always. Flooded with the warmth of love and kindness and comfort and thoughtfulness and peace and sharing and love.  And, forgiveness. 

It's the Love. The Love of God!  Without Him, life is meaninglessness. 

All the bad moments I want to forget. Tears. Lots of tears. Mistakes made. Regrets. Struggles. Sobs that shake me to the core. Words that can't be unsaid. Grieving. Misunderstandings. Pain. Resentments. Being overwhelmed. Brokenhearted. Sadness. Hurt. And, the Depression. It's always there. Always. 

It's the Love. The love of God. Without Him, life is meaninglessness. 

The past, the present, the future. It's life. Live it. 

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