Tuesday, March 23, 2010

quick quotes

On the purpose of mankind: "What were we made for? To know God. What aim should we set ourselves in life? To know God. What is the eternal life that Jesus gives? Knowledge of God....What is the best thing in life, bringing more joy, delight, and contentment, than anything else? Knowledge of God....Once you become aware that the main business that you are here for is to know God, most of life's problems fall into place of their own accord." ~ J I Packer – ‘Knowing God’, pg 29

The Goodness of God: “The psalmist’s point [from Psalm 145:9, 15-16) is that, since God controls all that happens in his world, every meal, every pleasure, every possession, every bit of sun, every nights sleep, every moment of health and safety, everything else that sustains and enriches life, is a divine gift.”
~ J I Packer – ‘Knowing God’, pg 162

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