Friday, April 24, 2009

until I’m in the presence of the most awesome garden ever

Yesterday, I spent some time outside in the warmth of sunshine. I suppose the day felt like an itty-bitty, teeny-weeny, minuscule piece of heaven on earth.

I enjoy my garden, enjoy getting my hands in the dirt, enjoy planting flowers, enjoy caring for them, enjoy watching them grow, enjoy their beauty. But, no matter how carefully I tend to and watch over these incredible plants, it’s the love of God that sustains these, His stunning creations. Yes, He made their beauty for me to enjoy......

Of course, if I throw seeds willy-nilly in the direction of unbroken dirt, or pitch them under the storage building, or walk all over them, what can I expect? If I have delicate, tender seedlings, but don’t plant them in good dirt, don’t gently cover the roots, don’t water them, don’t protect them, what can I expect? If I trample my garden, if I neglect my garden, if I ignore my garden, what can I expect? Yes, I’ll have nothing to admire......

God gave me everything I need to have a magnificent garden. It’s up to me to accept His gift, it’s up to me to take care of His gift, it’s up to me to use His gift, it’s up to me to share His gift. Yes, it’s up to me......

Without God, I wouldn’t have a garden. Eventually, my garden will wither and die. In the mean time, I’ll continue to enjoy my garden, until I’m in the presence of the most awesome garden ever, and marvel in its splendor for eternity......

The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever.
Isaiah 40:8 NAS

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