Sunday, January 13, 2008

here kitty, kitty

Yesterday, Mark and I went to the NC Cat Fanciers show. We thought it may be a fun thing to do on a Saturday afternoon. It was held at the downtown Radisson Hotel (where Mark once locked his keys in the car).

The setup was rather interesting and educational for us “first timers”. The judging rings were remarkable to me. The pedigreed cats certainly acted like they were aware of their pedigreed status. Callie would never consider standing ceremoniously while an unfamiliar judge rubbed her coat and gazed seriously into her eyes and intently judged her features and closely examined her bone structure and inspected her graceful tail and tested her lovely temperament and whatever else they do. All judging aside, I was amazed that the noise level didn’t frighten the fancy cats. Just being in close proximity to other cats would send Callie into a tailspin. I was truly impressed.

After walking down aisle after aisle of various different cats, I decided my favorite breed was the Havana Brown, with the Russian Blue coming in a very close second. They both were quite beautiful and incredibly striking. Of course, Callie is my purrfect pedigreed, and she is all I want.


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