Monday, November 16, 2015

what i see

It's a dreary, rainy day.  Looking out the kitchen window, I see a Crepe Myrtle tree.  Actually, there are several (my favorite tree).  But, this particular one has unusual fall colors.  Some leaves are tones of golden yellow, while others are shades of rich burgundy.  Unique and different, yet part of the whole.

You know what this reminds me of?  

Family.  Everyone knows how it is, from its roots, to the trunk, extending out to branches.  We have a family, we are a family, we belong to a family.  Like trees in a forest, there are many different families. Unique families. Families that intertwine, that continue to spread, that become new families, and the cycle goes on and on.

Life is beautiful. 

The clouds have parted giving way to a beautiful Carolina blue sky. The sun is bright and glistening on the Crepe Myrtle trees. 

Yep, life is beautiful!

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