Tuesday, June 24, 2014

happy, happy birthday...

Today, my one and only child turns 32-years-old!  He was a good kid growing up.  As with any parent-child relationship, there were bad times and good times and terrible times and wonderful times and unhappy times and joyous times.  We did our best as parents, we really tried to do it right, but more times than not, we failed.  It is by the grace of God that he became the man he is today.  Looking back, it really had nothing to with our parenting skills, but had everything to do with the choices he made.

God has blessed him thru the years with an incredible purpose for his life, with a wonderful wife - the daughter I never had, and three of the most darling grandkids ever!

As I sit here recalling many special times in his life, tears flow down my cheeks and my heart is overflowing with love.  I thank God for blessing me with a son...who
means to world to me...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He is a wonderful man and we are so glad he is part of our family. I think you did a great job raising him.