Tuesday, October 8, 2013

whimsy, whimsy, whimsical, whimsical

A few years ago, my hubby, on a whim, embarked upon a new direction in his life.  It quickly became a ‘whimsical collection hobby’.  When he first began, he ran.  Didn’t walk.  Just dived right in.

It all began with Lorena Garcia and there lies the blame.  Her ‘Element’ collection was being discontinued, her dinnerware is sold in Belk stores, he saw it, and he was immediately taken away on a quest to purchase every set and odd piece he could get his hands on. Yep, dishes.  He searched in every Belk store - in at least six NC counties.  We have more dinner plates than anyone.  (Maybe that’s a little exaggeration, but we do have bunches and bunches.)

Funny thing, we don’t entertain.  It’s just me and hubby.  We definitely have an array of choices.  The plates with the colorful rings are designated as ‘special’ plates.  The bright, colorful, primary colors are rather cheery...and whimiscal...

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