Saturday, January 26, 2013

about my son...

Each day of our lives we make deposits in the memory banks of our children. ~ Charles (Chuck) Swindoll

No doubt, I made oodles of mistakes.  There were things I should have done differently, and things I could have done differently.  What kind of mother was I?  What kind of example did I live?  I know, I know.  I was full of sin then, and I’m still full of sin.   

There was this one occasion when he was in elementary school.  I was dropping him off at school and as he was getting out of the car, he spoke loudly, “1-800-xxxxx- xxxxx”!.  Not a very good morning.  That’s another story.  I was full of sin then, and I’m still full of sin.

Oh my, then there was the incident with Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Bunny.  I thought the bunny foot prints leading from the front door were cute.  In hindsight, I shouldn’t have wasted the flour.  I was a mother full of sin then, and I’m still full of sin.

Now, about my son.  A number of couples at church told his Dad and me that they wanted their children to grow up to be like our son.  He was asked to baby sit for several couples.  There was that Sunday school class Christmas party where one couple was asked who was keeping their children.  The answer was my son.  Funny thing about that.  He was sitting for a four-ish hyper boy, a two-ish boy with Down’s Syndrome, and a newborn baby boy.  A very newborn baby boy.

My son was a good kid.  Hmm, he was generally a good kid.  Well, he was mostly a good kid.  I trusted my son.  I trusted his decisions. I trusted his choices.  I thanked God for him, although I certainly wasn’t responsible for the way he turned out.

He was full of sin then, and he’s still full of sin. I was full of sin then, and I’m still full of sin.

I still can’t believe he NEVER SKIPPED SCHOOL!    I guess I failed him there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes my nephew is a great guy!!!
Aunt Mary