Sunday, October 31, 2010

about lottie...

Since Christmas is fast approaching, I’ve thought about Lottie Moon. She gave her life to serve God in China.  She was an encouragement to others, a brave servant for God, and was passionate about leading others to Christ.

She served 39 years as a missionary, mostly in China’s Shantung province.  Lottie frequently wrote letters to the United States, detailing Chinese culture, missionary life and the great physical and spiritual needs of the Chinese people. Additionally, she challenged Southern Baptists to go to China or give so that others could go. By 1888, Southern Baptist women had organized and helped collect $3,315 to send workers needed in China.

"When the gospel is allowed to grow naturally in China, without forcing processes of development, the 'church in the house' is usually its first form of organization. God grant us faith and courage to keep 'hands off' and allow this new garden of the Lord's planting to ripen in the rays of the Divine Love, free from human interference!"
- Lottie Moon, Pingtu, China Sept. 10, 1890

In 1918, the Woman's Missionary Union named the annual Christmas offering for international missions after the woman who had urged them to start it - the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering®

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful legacy she left us. How can we not honor her with gifts to God at this time of year? - Hub