Thursday, February 20, 2014

soar high

Today, my thoughts drifted towards Bible verses pertaining to strength.  Strength is something I struggle with.  I know in my heart (with the LORD) I can make it thru times I find challenging or miserable or overwhelming or upsetting or stressful or devastating or anxious or clueless or depressing or... the list continues.  But, often my mind says otherwise. I can convince myself that I don’t know how to deal with it or it’s just too unbearable or way too consuming or emotional or demanding or it’s beyond my understanding or I’m just too tired to deal with it now.   

Interestingly, there’s always been one specific Bible verse I cling to.  I go back to it again and again and again.  It’s:

But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.
    They will soar high on wings like eagles.
They will run and not grow weary.
    They will walk and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31

There’s no doubt whatsoever – I completely and fully and totally believe these words are the true and faithful words of God.  They are. Period.

So, what’s my problem?
I trust God
I have faith in God
I get strength from God
I have trust
I have faith
I have belief – belief that my strength comes from God
Now what?
Isaiah 40:31: I must burn these words into my heart and into my mind.....

But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.

And, then there’s the beautiful image burned into my mind of a majestic eagle with powerful wings outstretched, gliding across a brilliant blue sky...

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