Tuesday, July 2, 2013


There have been times I’ve been accused of being ‘persnickety’.  Exactly how does that define me, ‘I ask’?  If you do ask me, in my opinion, there are way too many adjectives and synonyms that define persnickety.  Not all of them would pertain to me.  Yet, will they in fact show I'm persnickety?  Hmmm...

Let’s begin:  (a tiny, tiny list)  fussy, choosy, finicky, picky, nit-picking, choosy, trivial, opinionated,
demanding, critical, onerous ( I’ve always liked the word ‘onerous’), fussbudget (this word also), scrupulous, difficult, particular, snobbish, particular about how things look...

That doesn’t sound very good for me, does it?  Hmmm... Yep, needs improvement.  I’ll work on that...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
